
The purpose you purchase zentai catsuit

Maybe you haven't known that zentai suit can be for swimming. It make you a good figure, even it is better than your swimwear, because it is tight and stick on your body, like this you can swim as you like. Of course, choose it as you like, some people like their beautiful shivering swimwear, but you can buy a suit to try for the other feeling. Finally, if you are a passionate collector for zentai outfits, you can buy all you like, in market, there are more and more style. Whatever we buy suits for, they have many purposes, and you can make it multifunctional clothes, don't you?
 Ill see what I can do about getting you in. I have been into lycra bodysuit for about 2 years now. I own 3 suits, a black, camouflage, and Spiderman zentai. I think it is so sensual seeing (or being with) another man in zentai. I have only had the pleasure of being suited up with another, one time. I just added my profile, and will try to get some more photos added soon! Its nice to be among other zentai lovers!
Youre absolutely welcome here. The forum is for people who are into anything Lycra-based, so lycra zentai suits, singlets, Speedos, zentai and dancewear are all very much on-topic. Similarly, Heroes caters to people who like anything skin-tight, so you would not look at all out of place in a single.

